Tuesday, November 1, 2016

What is America

America is a country that hasn't been able to handle its own philosophy. That old ideal of the 50s family, kind of hokey but good, though with its own major problems no doubt, is that idea of what people people think of as the Good America.
The American philosophy is that of diversity, of everyone coming here, yet no one has been able to handle that environment very well. While it is good, a worthwhile approach for sure, it brings conflict and confusion.
You have on the one hand - possibly in a very innocent way - people who believe that old America is ideal; unfortunately, this way of thinking involves believing some certain group is normal while those deviating from it are aberrations; on the other hand, you have the many diverse groups who - rightly so - take offense at the old school perspective that the ideal is this old standard American from a less diverse era: The old standard is really cultural at heart, a way of thinking and an approach that is considered the preferred thinking and approach; and of course not everyone wants to share this approach and there is no real reason they should. Conflict arises, I think, when there is not a deep enough understanding of this scenario, what it is and how it plays out. Therefore you get an array of either knee jerk responses or misguided ideological responses that are purely political but lack depth of examination.
Clearly this problem will need resolution and will resolve itself either through understanding or through successive generations that are accustomed to a new America not based in old ideas and standards that assault those who do not belong in its narrow field of what is acceptable.

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